Tag Archives: web

A man questioned over attracting too many flies.

A man questioned over attracting too many flies. Police arrived at an address in outter Sydney looking for the owner of a massive backyard compost enterprise. Neighbours sited a tempest of Large Flies hovering over their area most times of the day. The owner reportedly stated “he was turning the block into a full size market-garden […]

Smart Phones Outscore Spouse in Relationship Stakes

A controversial new survey commissioned by The Suburban Fizza has found that 62% of Australians prefer the company of their smart phone to spending quality time with their partner. A wide variety of Aussies were polled in the new Fizza survey: from straight to LGBTQ identified; metropolitan to regionally based; school leavers to seniors; and […]

3 dAYTIME Drinkers defy WORK ORDERS

Nestled squarely into the Newstead-end of Fortitude Valley – these 3 drinkers were ardent about their right to get-pissed during the day. As we approached the interview from the southern end of the street we saw – the larger of the 3 antagonists was confronting a rock-n-roll bottom-feeder. Apparently he had a foot up on […]