Learn More in 2024 - It's Piss Poor

( The official Suburbiasuburbia blog )

Properties in Sydney’s elite Balmain now uninsurable under the weight of unrelenting rain.

The Suburban Spectator ( by Suburbiasuburbia )

The Spectator sent senior investigator Kevin down to talk to a number of smug baby boomer residents about foundation subsidence. Sergio Revista – a retired meatball importer, told us his $10 million riverside bungalow was in danger of lurching into the river with sodden foundations and an arcane drainage system. A negligent council was the […]

Missing in Action – A song about NO HELP in the face of brutality

Missing in Action - New song =- May 2024

MISSING IN ACTION: Aussie hard rock crankers Suburbiasuburbia, announce the release of their latest single. In a 4-to-the-floor rubble-buster, MIA rattles-the-cage  . . . below are some testimonials  . . . instead of believing any well manicured propaganda  . . . have a listen and make up your own mind. Suburbiasuburbia is Tony Townsend – […]

Down Tools – A song about leaving for good

Down Tools - Song by Suburbiasuburbia

DOWN TOOLS: Aussie hard rockers Suburbiasuburbia, announce the release of their latest single. In this rampage it’s time to say goodbye to the control freak boss for good  . . . have a listen and make up your own mind. Suburbiasuburbia is Tony Townsend – lead vocals, Alan Lyon – Harmonica, Steve King – Bass, […]

Who in Australian Cricket needs to go?

When Bancroft “the patsy” sand-papered the ball he destroyed a 100 years of sporting pedigree but did he foresee the individual human impact as he drove the evidence into his crutch-guard. The sordid mix of off-field sledging – on-field spite and hatred for the South African accent will result in erstwhile heros being consigned to an […]