We’re releasing 200 copies of BARFLY on 12 inch vinyl

Barfly has 6 songs about being on a hiding to nothing.
SIDE A: Stuck in the Lift / After She Went Missing / Down tools
SIDE B: On the Broom / The Roof Fell in / Bruce Highway Elbow
DISCLOSURE: We are selling these EPs on a French print-on-demand platform for $40 AUD.
The link is https://www.suburbiasuburbia.com.au/diggers-barfly
HOW IT WORKS: If you purchase and we are lucky enough to complete all 200 sales – the platform will go to press. If we are unable to complete all 200 orders – everyone who has ordered will receive their money back without a worry when the 6 week campaign time is up.
If you would like to receive once-in-a-while newsletters with info about this release and others – please send your preferred email by the secure form and we will follow up with a confirmation email.
Thanks for taking the time.